We often go to nearby Supermarkets or Hypermarkets when groceries in our kitchen- store come short. At supermarkets, all of us show a tendency to purchase extra items than we really require at our home. To say frankly, this is an utter waste of money together with the food stuff. UN Food and Agriculture Organization have said that about 1.3 billion tons of food stuff is being wasted every year all over the world. Hence, all of us should definitely take this matter as very serious, and try to do our best to minimize the unnecessary waste of money and food stuffs by shopping with an ideal planning. This is how the grocery-shopping tips become helpful, as it can minimize both expenses and waste of food. The effort of cutting your grocery bill may appear as challenging in the beginning. However, with proper plans, and firm determination you can achieve greater things. Here are some valuable tips to make grocery shopping profitable.
Visit your kitchen-store

At first, you have to visit your kitchen store, before planning a grocery shopping. Find out what is there in your kitchen-store and what are the essential food items to be purchased urgently.
Follow a proper plan

Plan the grocery shopping at least once in a week. Then try to know what you have already in your kitchen and make a plan about your forthcoming shopping. This will help you to minimize the unnecessary grocery purchase and reduce expense. This grocery shopping plan also includes planning of your meals. Always choose the right way while planning your meals and be realistic. Go beyond simple recipes which can be prepared with minimum ingredients, lesser time and meager effort. Since leftovers are often unavoidable in houses where food is prepared, consider the matter and make a suitable plan for it.
Prepare a list

Before going for the grocery shopping, prepare a list of things to be purchased. If you have a list in hand or on your phone, the chance to forget things while shopping can be evaded. Also make a firm resolution that you will purchase only things which are already on the list. This will help you to avoid unnecessary purchase of groceries.
Buy only the required quantity

After making the list of provisions to be purchased, decide the quantity of such foodstuffs you want to purchase. Always keep away from the habit of buying more than what you actually require at your home. Thus, you can stay away from waste of money and foodstuff.
Follow storage rules

Every product available in Super store is supplied with an ideal storage instruction. The specific food storage instruction given on food stuffs is to be strictly followed by the consumers. As per the instructions, some products are to be stored in dry environments, some others in dark containers, while some in cool places, etc. Follow those instructions and make sure that your grocery items last till the date mentioned on the packet.
Choose samples first

While purchasing new brand food products for the first time, try to buy only the smallest size available. Thus, you can experiment with it, and make sure whether the new food product can satisfy your requirements or suitable for your taste. This method is absolutely feasible for perishable food items too. Such food items may not last more than two to three days. So, in such a condition, buy the smallest packet or quantity available to fulfill your requirement. This will help you a great deal to minimize the unnecessary expenses on perishable grocery items.
Utilize remarkable offers

Remarkable offers from Hypermarkets are a great way to save money when you are thinking about buying groceries as well as other household goods. Carefully search for wonderful sales deals if any, such as two for the price of one packet of cereals, spices, flours, and other household items that you have always been using. When such offers come up unexpectedly, utilize it ideally, save your pocket, and rejoice with your family.
Buy during season

Dried spices and cereals will be best and cheap during season. So, if such food items are collected and stored during their harvesting season that will be much profitable. Moreover, during harvest season, consumers can buy farm fresh products without having any fear of adulteration. Thus, they can buy healthy produce at affordable rates.
Go through the price list

It will be wise if you study the price list of grocery items available from different hypermarkets or super stores. This will help you to sort out the stores where best prices as well as best deals are being offered. Thus, you will get a chance to buy the best quality products at attractively lower prices.
Often try to shop less

Covid 19 pandemic has persuaded us to shop less often. Thus, we are forced to conduct shopping at least once or twice in a month. This change in grocery shopping has significantly helped us to minimize the usage of grocery items. The fewer we visit shops; the fewer will be the chances to spend on purchases. Thus, shopping less has also helped us to cultivate a habit of spending less, which in turn has supported us to cut-short food costs, and thereby food waste.
Believe in technology

Interesting apps having spending tracker and spending expense tracker etc are greatly advantageous to those who are not well-organized for purchases. While some such setups require you to concentrate on your daily expenses, other apps help you to calculate how much you have spent, and where you will get an overall profitable result by tracking your daily purchase expenses. Get one such app on your phone which can help you to make profitable purchases and save money.
Try to shop online

If you are using online delivery service for purchasing your grocery items online, the same will facilitate you to save attractively. When you order groceries online, you actually get rid of the threat of making an impulse purchase. You can also merge your pantry inventory check as well as the planning of the meal with the online shopping. This facility will exactly assist you to avoid multiple purchases of grocery items you require. There is no limitation in using online delivery services meant for groceries. So, when you order groceries online, you can purchase most of the pantry staples including beans, condiments, peanut butter, and flour, from the online grocery stores. Moreover, if you are ready to meet the minimum purchase for free shipping, you can buy what you require without paying any tip or the delivery fee.
By changing your approach and habits in terms of shopping can assist you to cut-short your grocery bills, and support you to save money on edible items. If you decide to become economical grocery shopper, it may not assist you save money. You must do your best to bring down your food waste also.